Temperature Measurement Solution
Mutiple people Body Temperature Screening System Single people Body Temperature Screening SystemThis article covers problems viewing the video feed from a Foscam camera to a 3rd party NVR/NAS which is ONVIF compliant. This article discusses some troubleshooting tips to correct this.
This article introduce some of the tips for fixing issue of Foscam cameras failed to get live stream on 3rd party NVR or NAS.Solution 1: Verify the 3rd party NVR/NAS brand, model number, and firmware version.
Solution 2: Verify that the 3rd party NAS/NVR supports Foscam cameras or the ONVIF protocol.
Solution 3: Verify the 3rd party NAS/NVR support ONVIF 2.1 compliance. If it is an earlier ONVIF version check to see if a firmware update for the NAS/NVR has been released.
Solution 4: Verify that no special characters have been used for the Foscam camera login credentials. Special characters qualify as those which are not A-Z and 0-9.
Technical Notes:
1) For Foscam models: C1, FI9816P, FI9803P V2, C1 Lite and FI9800P make sure to turn on ONVIF compliance under the camera’s settings.
2) Verify the correct ONVIF port is being used.
3) The Hikvision NVR only supports ONVIF protocols for Foscam cameras.
4) The QSNAP NAS only uses ONVIF protocols to add Foscam HD cameras and Foscam protocols to add Foscam SD cameras.
5) Some 3rd part NAS/NVR systems fail the initial test when attempting to add Foscam cameras. Complete the installation procedure to see if in fact the video feed is recognized by the product.
If after performing the above steps the video feed is still not showing up on the NAS/NVR verify the compatibility of the unit. After verification and checking all the settings there is still no success in viewing the video feed contact the Tech Support department of the 3rd party product for further assistance.
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