Temperature Measurement Solution
Mutiple people Body Temperature Screening System Single people Body Temperature Screening SystemPlease be sure the Foscam app is installed on the smartphone and that a Foscam cloud account is already established.
Step 1: Add the information for the camera to the Foscam App
Method 1: Add a camera via the QR Code.• Login to the Foscam app
• Click the + button
• Scan the QR code from the bottom or back of the camera
Method 2: Add a camera from the LAN Camera List
• Login to the Foscam app• Click the + button
• Choose Search in LAN
Note: To use this option the camera must already be connected to the same LAN the smartphone is connected to.
Click here for detailed steps on adding camera from the LAN.
Method 3: Add a camera manually using DDNS/UID/IP• Click the + button
• Choose Others and input the required information of your camera.
Click here for detailed steps for adding camera manually by DDNS
Click here for detailed steps for adding camera manually by IP
Click here for detailed steps for adding camera manually by UID
Step 2: View the live video feed from the camera.
• After the camera is successfully added to the app the live video feed can be viewed.
Technical Note: The maximum username is 20 characters in length including letters, numbers and symbols. The password length should be between 6-12 characters long including letters numbers and symbols. Characters supported include ~ ! @ # % ^ * ( ) _ + { } : "| <> ? ` - ; ' \ , . /
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