Temperature Measurement Solution
Mutiple people Body Temperature Screening System Single people Body Temperature Screening SystemOverview: This article will introduce the steps to set up the DNS server to for Foscam cameras.
First solution is from the Foscam VMS or camera web page.
Step1: Login the camera from Foscam VMS or web page on browser.
Step2: Go to Settings-->Network-->IP Configuration and uncheck the "Obtain IP From DHCP". Then input "" to the Primary DNS Server box and Save it.
Foscam VMS:
Camera web page:
Another solution is using the Equipment Search Tool.
Step1: Do right click on the camera IP address and choose the "Network Configuration".
Step2: Uncheck "Obtain IP from DHCP server", input "" to the DNS Server box, input the correct camera username and passwod and click on OK button.
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